Mental Health

Burnout… the reason for my lame coffee order

Those in the Melbourne office may have said or heard this before: “… a soy decaf what?” I’ve had workplace burnout three times (I didn’t know that was what it was called the first time). This is not something I am proud of, as clearly it is evidence that I don’t learn from past experience! […]

(Just About) Managing, Remote

Every day SmartCompany covers the shifting world of work, while at the same time being active participants ourselves in the great global social experiment that is the “post-pandemic workplace”. We know from recent audience surveys that most of our readers are working in similar hybrid environments to ours, with only 13% back in the office […]

Set free by wild geese

I used to be in prison. A prison of unease that I was not living up to my full potential. Self-judgement that was with me all the time. It truly felt like a prison. For so long I raced around trying this-and-that, and by ‘trying’, I mean giving something several years to prove itself. I’d […]